Thursday, July 28, 2011

Matt 24 Watch, 131: On not throwing out the baby with the bath-water, or, refusing to be inimidated from resolute objection to IslamISM's agenda

One of the motivating issues for Mr Breivik is objection to IslamIST supremacy and Jihadism. Unfortunately, this has led to major media attacks on those who, in objecting to the same ideologies, are seen as contributing to this mad- bad- man's murderous rampage.

Robert Spencer of Jihad Watch, and Pam Geller of Atlas Shrugs, seem to be bearing the brunt of these assaults. So, while I find Ms Geller shrill, overly angry and overly sarcastic in some respects; in fairness, we need to listen to what she has to say about the media assault on those who object to IslamISM. Here, an audio interview posted on YouTube, will be helpful:

In addition, we should note that there is indeed documentation from law enforcement sources of an IslamIST -- notice, I am distinguishing radical ideologues from those who are peacefully seeking to serve God in the Islamic tradition they have chosen to accept based on what they know about God -- global subjugation agenda. 

Two key sources:
1] The 1982 Muslim Brotherhood global subjugation agenda recovered by Swiss Financial Police in 2001.

2] The 1991 Civilisation- settlement- Jihad plan recovered as a part of the HLF trial in Texas. (Cf. pp. 21 ff, English text begins at page 15.)
On the broader issue of understanding and responding to Islam as a religion that specifically challenges the gospel, from a Christian perspective, I suggest that we look at the Declaration and Call to Action here, the Nehls-Eric primer here, their response to debate issues here, and suggestions for debates etc here. Over the years, I have found Answering-Islam to be a useful site.

So, let us not throw out the baby with the bath-water. END

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